Arts groups sue over Trump’s ‘gender ideology’ executive order

#midwestagendaartnews #artsgroup #nea #grenderideology #funding #artisticmerit
Christie’s first AI art auction sees hits… and plenty of misses

‘Panafrica Across Chicago’ Citywide Art Project Lets Chicagoans Explore

Minnesota’s Region 2 Arts Council awards $89,500 in Arts Access Grants

Columbus’ Tyson Cultural Arts Center reviewing halting use of nude models after feedback

Nude art isn’t lewd. Columbus’ Knee-jerk decision to drop classes has consequences

Vermillion (SD) recognized as Best Small Town Art Scene in USA Today 10BEST lists

Omaha art center fires 5 in ‘restructuring’; workers say its retaliation for union talks

Des Moines Art Center begins removal of Greenwood Pond: Double Site

Emporia artist partners with Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition to display pieces statewide

Kansas City calling on artists to help transform Barney Allis Plaza

This is the end, beautiful friend. Visit the Art News Archive for more